Timed Lab 公募ラボ

Laboratory of Neuro-oscillology




    Kobayashi, Suguru, Assistant Professor

    ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9439-5928

    Researchmap: https://researchmap.jp/read0055192/

    Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Suguru-Kobayashi-2



Guest members










Pubmed リンク:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/18cRAOnxGElos5/bibliography/public/

GoogleScholar リンク:


1. Matsuo R, Kobayashi S, Furuta A, Osugi T, Takahashi T, Satake H, Matsuo Y. (2020) Distribution and physiological effect of enterin neuropeptides in the olfactory centers of the terrestrial slug Limax. J Comp Physiol A 206(3), 401-418. doi: 10.1007/s00359-020-01400-2

2. Kobayashi S. (2019) Cholinergic induction of network oscillations in the slug olfactory neuron in vitro. J Physiol Sci 69, S155.

3. Ishiguro M, Kobayashi S, Matsuyama K, Nagamine T. (2019) Effects of propofol on IPSCs in CA1 and dentate gyrus cells of rat hippocampus: Propofol effects on hippocampal cells' IPSCs. Neurosci Res 143, 13-19. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2018.05.003

4. Kobayashi S. (2017) Synchronous oscillatory network and cholinergic system in the slug olfactory center. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 46, S202

5. Matsuo R, Tanaka M, Fukata R, Kobayashi S, Aonuma H, Matsuo Y. (2016) Octopaminergic system in the central nervous system of the terrestrial slug Limax. J Comp Neurol 524, 3849-3864. doi: 10.1002/cne.24039

6. Matsuo R, Fukata R, Kumagai M, Kobayashi A, Kobayashi S, Matsuo Y. (2016) Distribution of histaminergic neurons and their modulatory effects on oscillatory activity in the olfactory center of the terrestrial slug Limax. J Comp Neurol 524(1), 119-35. doi: 10.1002/cne.23829

7. Kobayashi S, Matsuo R, Sadamoto H, Watanabe S, Ito E. (2012) Excitatory effects of GABA on procerebrum neurons in a slug. J Neurophysiol 108, 989-998. doi: 10.1152/jn.01137.2010

8. Kobayashi1 S, Hattori1 M, Elekes K, Ito E, Matsuo R. (2010) FMRFamide regulates oscillatory activity of the olfactory center in the slug. Eur J Neurosci 32(7), 1180-1192.

9. Kobayashi S, Fujito Y, Matsuyama K, Aoki M. (2010) Raphe modulation of the pre-Bötzinger complex respiratory bursts in in vitro medullary half-slice preparations of neonatal mice. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 196(8), 519–528.

10. Kobayashi S, Fujito Y, Matsuyama K, Aoki M. (2010) Spontaneous respiratory rhythm generation in in vitro upper cervical slice preparations of neonatal mice. J Physiol Sci 60(4), 303–307.

11. Kobayashi S, Hattori M, Ito E. (2008) The effects of GABA on the network oscillations of the procerebrum in Limax valentianus. Acta Biologica Hungarica 59:77–79.

12. Kobayashi S, Fujito Y, Matsuyama K, Aoki M. (2005) Comparison of midazolam effects on IPSCs in hippocampal CA3 with those in CA1. NeuroReport 16(9), 1003-7.

13. Kobayashi S, Fujito Y, Matsuyama K, Aoki M. (2004) Differential effects of midazolam on inhibitory postsynaptic currents in CA1 pyramidal cells and dentate gyrus granule cells of rat hippocampal slices. Brain Research 1003(1-2), 176-82.

14. Kobayashi S, Sadamoto H, Ogawa H, Kitamura Y, Oka K, Tanishita K, Ito E. (2000) Nitric oxide generation around buccal ganglia accompanying feeding behavior in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Neuroscience Research 38(1), 27-34.

15. Kobayashi S, Ogawa H, Fujito Y, Ito E. (2000) Nitric oxide suppresses fictive feeding response in Lymnaea stagnalis. Neuroscience Letters 285(3), 209-12.

16. Kobayashi S, Kojima S, Yamanaka M, Sadamoto H, Nakamura H, Fujito Y, Kawai R, Sakakibara M, Ito E. (1998) Operant conditioning of escape behavior in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Zoological Science, 15, 683-690.

外部資金獲得実績 最近5カ年

科研費データベース: https://nrid.nii.ac.jp/ja/nrid/1000050325867/ 


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